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Jeannette Mutzner  social selling customer centricity customer journey

Get ahead of change...

…and meet the current and future challenges of your company with human agility.


Take the first step today.

Organizational development and change management for SMEs

Digitalization, demographic changes and unpredictable crises require increased agility and a customer-centric approach in marketing and sales.


Together, we analyse the initial situation, define the goal using the SMART method and draw up a concept for the next steps. We plan milestones, resources and responsibilities.


Professional change management consulting enables marketing and sales to introduce agile working methods, adopt new ideas and embed them sustainably.


To ensure that the change is also measurable, KPIs are defined in the planning phase and reviewed during the project. They show the progress of the project, but can be adjusted if necessary.


Optimisation measures are discussed with stakeholders and the best of marketing and sales are combined. Empowerment through trust and training guarantees the company’s success.

Organisational development and digital transformation for greater customer focus.

… are targeted measures for the further development of a company and include techniques such as evaluating marketing opportunities and sales markets, analysing customers and competitors, initiating future business and follow-up business as well as drawing up business plans and designing concrete business models.

Your order intake and turnover will increase significantly with a clear vision and agile processes. Your sales teams work interdisciplinarily and autonomously; collaboration is faster, more effective and focussed. Agile values, principles and frameworks are actually put into practice.

Your added value lies in our many years of experience in marketing and sales. We advise you pragmatically and at eye level so that your vision becomes a business success.

Find out more about us and book an appointment to get to know us online today.

Marketing strategy is a long-term, forward-looking approach and overarching plan of a company whose fundamental goal is to position itself sustainably in a market by constantly improving its understanding of customer needs and wishes.

The sales concept with defined targets ensures that customers are served in the best possible way from the beginning of the sales process to after-sales with greater commitment. Your strategy is executed, a strong partnership is cemented and the marketing-sales gap is closed. Your sales team is even more aware that the success of your customers is also your success!

Your added value lies in our solution-orientated approach. We also help turn a sluggish project with limited resources into a business success.

Find out more about us and book a meeting online today.

We take over the management of a marketing sales project for you, from the initial brainstorming sessions and research through to implementation or production, post-processing, invoicing and reporting. We realise your vision with concrete, specific measures. This means that we guide your employees, vendors and support staff involved in a project.

Typically, we get involved early in the project lifecycle and help define the scope of a project or take care of market research on target customers. While we work with you to define the basics of the project, assign tasks, set deadlines for team members and determine the project budget – and make any adjustments as the project progresses.

Your added value: You have your internal workflows and processes optimised by external specialists. This gives you access to the expertise and experience of our selected network and helps you avoid costly mistakes.

Find out more about us and book an appointment to get to know us online today.

Change is essential to the success of your business. As your business grows, you will inevitably need to implement new tools, try out new reorganisations or enter new markets – and much more. Sometimes it only requires small changes that are less extensive or affect a small number of employees – and yet it can lead to chaos, confusion and a reduced pace of work.

Change management plans organisational changes, prepares them and leads the way to the new state. During the change management process, support for the change is obtained from the team, this change is thought through from several sides and introduced step by step. Change management is both a methodology and a process to ensure that your team and your organisation benefit from change.

Ensure communication with internal and external stakeholders and make sure that your team has the necessary information and is motivated to successfully implement the project.

Your added value: Your projects are completed more quickly and meet the requirements precisely. Your project teams solve challenges independently, work purposefully and demonstrate real commitment.

Find out more about us and book a meeting online today.

In today’s digital era, artificial intelligence (AI), social media and web design are closely linked. AI is revolutionising the way companies can design and optimise their online presence.

By integrating AI into web design, personalised user experiences can be created that encourage user interaction and engagement. Social media acts as platforms where AI-powered analytics are used to understand user behaviour and adapt web design strategies accordingly.

Capitalise on this synergy between AI, social media and web design. Position yourself and your company effectively in the digital space and interact with your target group.

Quick and pragmatic, driving innovation and enabling SMEs and start-ups in particular,

Your added value: You and your team can ask current questions to independent experts and receive answers and a basis for decision-making. In addition, your team familiarises itself with the new possibilities on the job and learns how to use them independently.

Find out more about us and book an introductory appointment online today.

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